Latest offers

    Mobifer will kickstart your bus company!

    1. JoinUs.Hero.list.item1Customers will find you quickly
    2. JoinUs.Hero.list.item2A planning program helps you stay on top of things effectively
    3. JoinUs.Hero.list.item3An overview of working hours and driving time is always at hand
    4. JoinUs.Hero.list.item4Effectively selling out the time between trips
    Raiko Kaustel


    "It is a pleasure and honour to be part of Mobifer. The cooperation has been extremely pleasant and constructive and very convenient for us - we can focus on our core business."

    Enn Rüga


    "Mobifer has made the service very simple for the bus customer, and as the carrier, we only have to deal with firmly booked trips."

    Tarmo Künnapuu


    "With the help of Mobifer, we were able to fill a large part of our available resources with order shipments within the first couple of months, an excellent platform and busy team!"

    Together we travel further


    We have all the tools you need

    You can manage your bus fleet, increase sales and revenue, and reduce the daily administrative burden. Our mission is to bring together customers and bus service providers and create the simplest and most user-friendly environment for them to make their desired journeys a reality.


    We'll help you with setup

    Adding your company's bus fleet to Mobifer is easy! But if you have any questions after registering and need help with setup, we'll come to your aid for free! We can do this either via video call or, if necessary, a Mobifer technician will come to you.


    We make managing trips easier

    With Mobifer, you save time and money because we reduce the daily administrative burden. With our application, you get a detailed and real-time overview of staff and bus occupancy, confirm trips, view comprehensive reports and analytics, use dynamic pricing, track your contractual customers' orders, changes and payment behavior. In addition, you have the opportunity to conveniently communicate with bus drivers through the built-in messaging application.


    Billing is secure and fast

    The billing process with Mobifer is automated and speeds up the payment of invoices for the service. Payments and other data are securely protected in Mobifer: all payment data is encrypted and transmitted via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).

    Bring your buses to Mobifer because we will make your business much easier.

    If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ or contact us!